Embarking on a master’s thesis is a significant milestone in most people’s academic journey. It is an opportunity to showcase your expertise, delve deeper into a specific topic, and make a valuable contribution to your field of study. However, the journey can also be scary, demanding, challenging and might push you past your boundaries more than once. Believe me, I know, because I am currently on this exciting journey myself. The following tips have not only helped me to stay focussed and positive, they have also helped me not lose my mind from time to time.

While I am still working on my thesis, some of my study colleagues have already completed this challenging task: Here’s what they wrote about their experiences.


1. Start Early

Procrastination is the enemy when it comes to tackling a master’s thesis and at least on my part this is what hinders me most in making progress. This is also why it was a main goal of mine to avoid falling down the procrastination hole this time around and really get things done on time. Begin your preparations well in advance, as it allows you to plan, conduct thorough research, and organise your thoughts effectively.

Establish a clear timeline, set realistic goals, and allocate sufficient time for each stage of the thesis process. Not having enough time may affect your work negatively and I promise you, it will give you anxiety and unnecessary headaches. What I love doing is putting down achievable goals in my calendar and love to reward myself with something.I like if I make it, may it be a dinner or a small treat when in the city.

2. Choose your topic wisely

Everything is instantly easier when it’s something you genuinely care about or are interested in. Therefore, it’s important to select a topic that aligns with your academic but also personal goals. In the case of a master thesis, it oftentimes reflects where you want to go professionally in the future as well. Your enthusiasm for the subject will keep you motivated throughout the thesis journey. However, ensure that your chosen topic is also feasible within the given time frame, available resources, and the guidance of your supervisor.

3. Establish a Working Relationship with Your Supervisor

Your supervisor will be a crucial source of guidance and support throughout your thesis. They will help you whenever you feel stuck or unsure about how to proceed – and believe me, these moments will come. But they don’t necessarily have to be the end of the world immediately Establish a positive and proactive relationship with them from the beginning and don’t be scared to ask questions – they are there to help you and will gladly do so. Regularly communicate your progress, seek their input, and clarify any doubts or concerns you may have. Their expertise and insights can significantly enhance the quality of your work.

4. Put Effort into Your Literature Review

A thorough literature review lays the foundation for your research and ensures you are well-informed about existing studies in your field. Identify key research articles, books, and other relevant sources that will help you understand the current state of knowledge on your topic. This will enable you to identify gaps and formulate research questions that contribute meaningfully to your field. Additionally, they will help you get a clearer picture of where you wanna go with your thesis. What I like to do is categorise literature and sort them into topic fields I am planning to write about. Furthermore, I am using different colours when highlighting sentences, each colour reflecting a topic or area in my thesis that the literature helps to underline my point.

5. Create An Outline

Developing a comprehensive outline for your thesis will provide a roadmap for your research and writing process. Divide your work into logical chapters or sections, each with its own set of objectives. This outline will help you maintain focus, stay organised, and track your progress effectively. Without one, you might easily lose track and will have a hard time to come back to your established research question. Drifting off topic can easily happen and affect your grade and the outcome of your thesis. An outline also helps you to see if you are following a red thread.

6. Be Meticulous with your Research

Whether your thesis involves qualitative or quantitative research methods, ensure that your research design is robust and well-planned. Collect and analyse data in detail, ensuring its relevance to your research questions. Take advantage of appropriate research tools, methodologies, and statistical analysis techniques, depending on the nature of your study.

7. Maintain a Writing Routine

This might have actually been one of the hardest things to stick to for me personally, which is why it was important for me to put it in this list. I work full-time while writing my master’s thesis, so it has happened rather often that I came home from work tired and uninspired. Establishing a routine, however, is so important as it will help you stay focussed and on top of things. Schedule regular writing sessions and commit to them. Even if you feel stuck or uninspired, dedicate a fixed amount of time to writing or brainstorming ideas. Writing regularly will help you overcome writer’s block and gradually produce a substantial body of work.

8. Ask for Feedback

Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from your peers, colleagues, and field experts. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and help you refine your arguments. Different people have different approaches and might give you new ideas on how to approach and look at a problem. It also helps whenever you feel insecure about if what you’re doing actually makes sense – you will doubt yourself more than once on this exciting journey.

9. Edit and Proofread Diligently

Thoroughly edit and proofread your thesis before submission. Pay attention to clarity, grammar, spelling, and formatting. It is advisable to take breaks between writing and editing sessions to approach your work with a fresh perspective. I personally think it’s best to let someone professional from outside your research field read through your thesis in order to find out if what you wrote is not only grammatically and syntactically correct but also understandable for the reader. Especially in fields like Content Strategy in which I am writing my thesis in, your thesis might also be read by people who aren’t experts in the field and should still be able to understand what you are trying to deliver.

10. Don’t forget About Self-Care

This is the last, yet one of the most important tips. Writing a scientific paper takes a toll on you, mentally and physically. That’s why it is important to not forget to take regular breaks. Let yourself have a life next to university tasks and spend time with family, friends or just yourself to charge your batteries. Don’t be afraid to open up about concerns or sorrows to your loved ones, using your support system to help you through this is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it helps you do your best and to stay motivated.

All there is left to say is: GOOD LUCK AND YOU CAN DO IT!

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